
[The Syrian regime approaches in As-Sweida post 2011]

Ezzi, Mazen

[The Syrian regime approaches in As-Sweida post 2011]

Beirut, 2023

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Syria's trade unions under the scope

Daher, Joseph

Syria's trade unions under the scope

History, instrumentalization, and labour dissents
Beirut, 2023

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[Education in al-Hassakah governorate]

Al-Ahmad, Samer

[Education in al-Hassakah governorate]

[Three authorities impose three curricula, and civilians pay the price of political antagonism]
Beirut, 2023

Download publication (360 KB, PDF-File)

[Early recovery assistance in Syria]

Al-Abdeh, Malik; Hauch, Lars

[Early recovery assistance in Syria]

[Balancing political and humanitarian goals]
Beirut, 2023

Download publication (360 KB, PDF-File)

Early recovery assistance in Syria

Al-Abdeh, Malik; Hauch, Lars

Early recovery assistance in Syria

Balancing political and humanitarian goals
Beirut, 2023

Download publication (300 KB, PDF-File)

Syrian refugee youth in Lebanon

Diab, Jasmin Lilian

Syrian refugee youth in Lebanon

FES MENA youth study: results analysis
Berlin, 2022

Download publication (1,6 MB PDF-File)

More Publications

03.12.2023 | Publication

Analyzing Damascus’ Approach to Suwayda After 2011


19.04.2022 | Publication

Women’s political participation is one of the most debated issues in the Syria context. (available in arabic)


02.11.2021 | Publication

During much of the Syrian conflict, civil society organisations have multiplied and grown after years of struggling under the Assad regime. Such organisations facilitated early civic resistance, created a blossoming media landscape that narrated the war as well as the country’s deprivations, and provided essential services.


FES Syria | Publication

How a holistic perspective can inform EU policymaking on Syria


| Publication

The Social Degradation report, which is available in English and Arabic, explores the impact of the armed conflict in Syria on social relations. It uses the concept of social capital as an approach to analyzing trust, cooperation, and shared values. The research develops a composite index to measure social capital based on multi-purpose field survey. The analysis of this index over time and regions, detailing its components and studying its determinants, helps discern the state of social degradation in Syria. The report proposes alternative policies to overcome the catastrophic social impact of the conflict.


| Publication

Despite the devastation that has continued to unfold in Syria since 2011, a number of Syrians have demonstrated their belief in the power of testifying about ongoing events in the country, whether in narrative or other forms. The collection of texts included in this book, published originally in Germany, were penned by some of Syria's leading writers between 2012 and 2014. The texts, written initially in Arabic, take readers back home to Syria—even though most of the writers involved have long since left the country.



Syria Project

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